Proven Approach With Results Forged Through Experience

Mark L. Deniz, Esq.

Jose Canseco daughter arrested for DUI

On Behalf of | Apr 5, 2015 | Firm News |

When someone gets a San Diego DUI, it is usually not plastered on the
news unless someone has been harmed. However, as soon as a celebrity obtains a San Diego DUI, everyone hears about it. Well, another celebrity has obtained a DUI this
month. Even if Josie Canseco does well on the field sobriety tests it
is reported that the case is at the District Attorney’s office to determine
whether formal charges will be issued.

What does this mean to me?

Just remember that anyone can get a DUI, whether you are a
celebrity or not. So, although everyone makes mistakes, try to plan ahead and
arrange for a designated driver, or get a taxi, rather than risking your life,
money, or other’s lives.

You may not have the ability to rent a stretch limo like Josie Canseco beforehand….but you do not want to risk a DUI

Josie Canseco, baseball player Jose Canseco‘s daughter, was arrested for a DUI this week as reported on TMZ. She was pulled over after officers saw her hitting a curb. The 18-year-old was submitted to several sobriety tests, which she failed. Officials showed disbelief to the fact that Canseco was under the influence of alcohol; they think she might have been using drugs instead.

After Josie was released, bail reported to be approx. $15,000, she turned to social media to express her emotions: “F-ing HATE ignorant people who speak their mind without any knowledge or fact behind their words. STOP SPEAKING,” she wrote. She has since deleted the tweet. She also posted a Screen-Shot-of-iMessages-exchanged-between-her-and-her-mom,-showing her love and support. The model takes after her dad, who is also known for letting the media and fans have it on his social network.

The full article can be found here.

If you are charged with a San Diego DUI or other Criminal offense, you need to call our firm immediately. We are available to take action on your case today. Please email or call us at 858-751-4384 or email me at [email protected] to schedule a free consultation. The key is to be proactive.
