One of the first tasks for someone who is charged with a San Diego DUI to consider is whether or not they should hire an attorney. Some people have a thought that they do not need one, while others have an understanding that they may be facing a lot of punishment....
Year: 2018
San Diego DUI Checkpoints: Worth the Time and Money? Examining how you can win a San Diego DUI arrested at a checkpoint case
The examination of whether a San Diego DUI checkpoint is worth the time and money is limited to San Diego. I was a prosecutor in San Diego and this is where I almost exclusively practice. San Diego-area municipalities have been increasingly using DUI or sobriety...
San Diego DUIs and how they affect your drivers license. DMV negligent operator system and how it can affect your drivers license. Drivers license suspension and getting a restricted license. APS hearing. San Diego DUI Defense Attorney Lawyer explains
San Diego driving under the influence (DUIs) have a large number of unintended consequences. One of these potential consequences is a San Diego DUI affecting your driver's license. A decision by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to suspend their driving...
Are you a teacher, doctor, lawyer, attorney, nurse, pilot, or have a professional license? San Diego Defense Attorney Lawyer explains the unintended consequences of a DUI driving under the influence charge. Do what it takes to keep your license
San Diego DUI driving under the influence charges come with a variety of unintended consequences. Many people can settle the fact they may have to pay fines and go to classes. Many have a positive attitude when thinking they may have other punishments, including...
Minor in Possession cases in San Diego 101. The MIP process and how you can keep your drivers license
A minor in Possession charge is deceptive in nature. Someone is given a citation by law enforcement. It looks like a ticket. Pay the fine and be done with it right? WRONG. Upon further inspection, the charge has some tough unintended consequences. First, the...
Bail may be gone. San Diego DUI driving under the influence cases may change. DUI Defense Attorney Lawyer explains
Change is in the air. It appears that the bail system is going to be changed. This is going to be a huge change for all of us, especially us in the criminal defense world. A little history of bail Originally, money bail was developed in the Anglo-Saxon period in...
San Diego DUI Driving Under the Influence Defense. Former Prosecutor explains how body video cameras have changed these cases
Good day. I was reading the news today and came across an article about an incident caught on video (see below). In the old days (like back in 2012 and before), it was primarily a person's testimony vs the officer's testimony. An officer would describe in a report...
San Diego DUI with a Prior. Dealing with the prosecutor and court when you have a previous prior driving under the influence conviction. San Diego DUI Defense Attorney Lawyer explains
Happy Monday. I was reading the article below about a guy from Idaho getting 30 years for having six DUI convictions. Our firm has had amazing success dealing with San Diego DUIs that have prior offenses. With that said, these cases are very challenging due to the...
Getting the munchies can get you popped. How going to get some food can get you a San Diego DUI. San Diego Driving Under the Influence Attorney Lawyer explains
I was reading an article this morning about a study that shows a reduction in San Diego DUIs from ride-sharing. It is good news to see San Diego DUIs are down (Yes, I will take public safety over potential business). What I see happening now is a lot of people having...
Hit and Run charges in San Diego. Handling a VC 20001(a) or VC 20002(a) in San Diego. San Diego Hit and run Criminal Defense Attorney Lawyer explains how to handle a Hit & Run charge.
Hit and Run in San Diego The possibility of being charged with a hit-and-run is not an idea most San Diegans entertain. While hit-and-run accidents notoriously conjure up images of criminals fleeing the accident scene in desperation, this is not always the case. While...