A Reputation For Results Forged Through 20-Plus Years Of Criminal Law Experience

Mark L. Deniz, Esq.

SR-22 Requirements With A DUI

An SR-22 is a DMV document that shows proof you have at least the minimum level of auto insurance coverage. This form is normally sent electronically by your insurance company to the DMV. The SR-22 is typically required by the DMV for three continuous years from the date the four-month driving suspension ended on a San Diego DUI case. If your policy lapses for any reason during this time, the insurance carrier is REQUIRED to notify the DMV. Failure to get your insurance reinstated could result in yet another license suspension. When you face this situation, you can turn to our team at The Law Offices of Mark Deniz APLC.

An SR-22 is required if:

  • You were arrested for a DUI
  • Your license is suspended or restricted
  • You are required to complete a DUI program
  • You want to get a restricted license.

To get a restricted license after a suspension or being convicted in court:

  • Pay a reissue fee of $125
  • Show proof of insurance (SR-22)
  • Show proof of enrollment in a DMV-approved DUI program

The state or a judge typically issues an SR-22 requirement. To find out how long you are required to have an SR-22 for your case, contact the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Keep in mind that if you cancel your policy, the insurance company will inform the state that you are no longer covered. Before cancelling, you will want to be sure to set up a new policy with an SR-22 with your new insurance company. The reason for this is that the three-year requirement will be reset. In other words, the state may not give you credit for the time you already had the policy with the SR-22.

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